Ipromise2act is a call to action campaign created to deliver our message of self-empowerment, pride & civic responsibility inside our black communities. Our purpose is to ignite conversation, celebrate our common purpose, and collectively affect real change with a PROMISE2ACT PLEDGE.

More About Us…

#Ipromise2act is a platform for our black communities to align our voice with action.

The NEED for Black people to develop and preserve economic and political strategy has become resoundingly clear. We must organize for real power to insure the safety and welfare of our people, now!

In light of the countless problems facing our communities not only here in America, but worldwide, it is time for Black people to think in terms of economic development and independence. Black America has no other choice but to seize control of its destiny, by uniting, empowering and advantageously directing our strengths towards our communities.

#Ipromise2act is the needed positive response tool to eradicate the toxic and negative anti-Black rhetoric that is flooding our society. The time has arrived for us to become the undivided and indestructible community,           one promise at a time.

We all can do these things through:


  • Buying products from black-owned businesses

  • Eating at black-owned restaurants

  • Employing black workers

  • Putting your money in black-owned banks

  • Voting


  • Promoting Black Unity

  • Encouraging the Black Family Structure

  • Reading, and teaching Black History outside of American textbooks

Civic Responsibility:

  • Mentoring our youth

  • Engaging in political and leadership positions

  • Giving back/ investing in our urban and poverty-stricken communities

  • Supporting neighborhood-based organizations

Why #IPromise2Act?

By making a promise2act, we are taking accountability for uplifting our communities. We are insuring our young people that we value integrity and we stand for a purpose. This is a withstanding promise that takes more than individuals, but a society of people to make the change we want to see and deserve.

“If one is lucky, a solitary fantasy can totally transform one million realities.”

-Maya Angelou